Published at 29.03.2021
On Instagram, not all profile pictures are created equal. While anyone can upload whatever he or she wants, sunsets and bathroom selfies aren't really fashionable anymore. So get in this post the Tips from professionals , so you can have a cool Instagram profile picture.
1. show face: Make yourself known
Your profile picture should be You show. This sounds banal at first, but many users initially resist the idea of selecting a photo of themselves. Behind this often lies the fear that it doesn't look good enough. However, you are your own harshest critic - don't tell yourself that your face is not good enough, show yourself instead!
Showing yourself on your Instagram profile picture is simply better if you want your followers to identify with you. If they only see you from a distance, with big sunglasses or behind a thick scarf, then your profile picture is practically interchangeable. Then rather Recognition value right?
2. a good background is half the battle
Not only you are important on your profile picture, also what is in the Background should interest you. If your face is clearly visible, but there are many colors or other people in the background, then this distracts from you. So choose a neutral background for your photo. There should also be a good contrast between you and the background - for this it is important to choose a photo in good quality. Or you can improve it with an image editing program - you will get a tip under point 10.
3. soft light is your friend and helper
If you have soft light, you don't need filters. Soft light casts less shadow than hard and hides some imperfections or wrinkles. You know how it is: on cloudy days, looking in the mirror is less extreme than on days when the sun beams relentlessly on your face, exposing everything. So if you're taking your photo specifically for Instagram, make sure you have a soft light source. This can be of natural origin, but there are also special lamps that create soft light and let you shine.
4. clothes make the man
Even if not much of your clothing is visible, it makes a difference. If you focus on your face, you'll probably still see your shoulders or torso. What you wear says something about you. So sometimes the photo from the festival has to be sorted out because the beer stains don't match. Your Instagram Image fit. Or the application photo must go, because so knits you are then again not in private life. If you don't choose an existing photo as your profile picture for Instagram, then you can simply try out different tops during your little photo shoot and see what represents you best.
5. choose professional photo vs. snapshot
Whether or not you should choose a professional image for Instagram depends on what you're trying to do. Is your profile private and you use it more as a sideline, then it would be nonsense to seek professional help. However, if you want your Instagram profile to be an expression of your personality or even a part of your Brandings then it may be worth investing some money. Or you can watch a YouTube tutorial for better photos to take better pictures yourself. Here's our recommendation for you: Tips for more beautiful pictures.
6 Branding: Be successful with Instagram
If you want to make your profile more professional, use the same photo everywhere. On Facebook, Xing, WhatsApp and Instagram - just everywhere. Of course, this only makes sense if you have something planned for your profile. Are you interested in becoming a micro-influencer? Find out here, What makes micro-influencers in 2021!
Or do you work in an industry where your online presence can also be seen as part of your business? Marketing managers, freelancers or, for example, politicians need to understand that their Instagram profile picture is part of their public image. You can also take advantage of this and make sure that all of your public profiles on the internet have a similar Have style - it starts with the profile picture.
7. your profile picture is part of your personality
Your Instagram profile picture needs to match the rest of you and the rest of Your Instagram feed. Does your Instagram feed show especially Nature Photography , your profile picture should not necessarily you on a wild Party show. If you're posting aesthetically pleasing photos of things you encounter in your everyday life, an emo look might not be right for you. As much as you may like a particular image of yourself, if it contradicts the rest of your profile, you're making it hard for people to categorize you.
8. following trends vs. recognition value
Cool Instagram Profile Pictures you actually find quite incidentally, if you are on Instagram. Again and again there are also Trends - like using certain frames or special filters. But if you follow these trends, you risk having to change your profile picture regularly. This will destroy your recognition value. Using other users' ideas as inspiration is totally fine - but don't follow them. every Trending. Instagram stories in particular are also clicked because people know YOU. If you change yourself and your profile picture every few weeks, you risk that your followers overlook you.
9. do not forget: the correct dimension
One (penultimate) tip that should never be missed: Your profile picture should have at least the dimensions 110x110 px . But rather 180x180 px. With all the mood you feel now to find or create your perfect profile picture for Instagram, it can be forgotten that the technical requirements should also be given. So choose the right dimension and the best quality for your photo. This way you make it easier for yourself and Instagram.
10. use filters and image editing programs
To create an Instagram profile picture, you can of course use anything you want: your smartphone camera combined with an app, a professional photographer or image editing programs. For example, cool profile pictures are easily created with Canva to create your own profile picture. Many free features allow you to add frames, use filters or crop your profile picture.
Whether your profile picture is successful, you can check immediately after uploading with us. In the search bar, enter your account name and your profile will appear. including profile picture in full size. If your account is public, you can also see your other photos and get an overall impression of your Instagram presence.